MGM Transformer Company is one of only two companies in North America that can supply both oil-filled and dry-type substation transformers.
Continue readingMGM Transformer gaining new customers
MGM Transformer gain new customers by offering top engineering capabilities and custom made solutions which meet cost and margin goals.
Continue readingMGM Transformer delivers large transformers in time to energy provider
MGM Transformer successfully delivered in time two 1000KVA liquid filled substation transformers to large energy provider EPP.
Continue readingMGM Transformers installed at US Steel
When US Steel needed to find a transformer manufacturer that could design and build a transformer to provide clean power for an existing mill that was being fitted with upgraded drives they turned to MGM Transformer. US Steel recently put into service an upgraded rotary rolling mill which makes hollow seamless tubing. The process for creating U.S. Steel seamless pipe begins with continuous cast round billets heated in a rotary hearth furnace where temperatures exceed 2,300°F. The preheated billets are then processed through two piercing mills and a plug rolling mill to increase both diameter and length. This process also reduces wall thickness. Pipes larger than 16” OD are reheated and sent through a rotary rolling mill, which uses large discs to expand the hot tubes increasing the diameter. Rotary rolling can produce pipe as long as 45 feet.

This picture shows the probe that is driven through the super-heated steel rod to produce a seamless tube as part of the milling process at US Steel in Loraine OH.
Integrated Mill Systems, who was managing the project for US Steel, was aware they needed a partner that could meet the engineering challenges and demanding specifications of US Steel. The transformers of MGM, integral in the process to provide even power loads, were designed and built to US Steel exacting specifications, to power the drives that control this process. Once the designs were completed and the transformers were manufactured, tested and delivered, US Steel was very satisfied with the delivered product and the decision to choose MGM Transformer.

Kevin Wingard of Integrated Mill systems checks the status of the MGM manufacturing process, while Dave Schmidt of US Steel inspects one of the three coils contained in the US Steel transformer.

A team of MGM engineers shows Kevin Wingard of IMS and Dave Schmidt of US Steel the testing procedures that their transformers will go through.
MGM Transformer Company is the largest transformer company in the western United States, offering a complete line of transformers (both dry type and liquid filled) with a product range is from 10kVA to greater than 10MVA. Please contact us at 323-726-0888 for more information.
Transformers for Green Energy installed at HMT Technology
HMT Manufacturing encountered inverter problems while transferring to green energy for this facility. The right MGM Transformer solved the problem!
HMT Manufacturing, located in North Chicago, IL began in 1972 by coating polyester edge; banding with hot melt adhesive. Over time, they gained valuable experience and increased their coating operation to include wood, PVC, paper to paper, vinyl to PVC, and vinyl to paper. In addition, HMT began to design and manufacture custom laminating equipment.
Recently HMT announced that 100% of its hot melt products are produced using solar and wind power. A wind turbine and 3,500 square feet of new solar panels on the roof of their facility generate enough electricity to power all the infrastructure needed to produce their hot melt adhesives.
HMT was experiencing multiple power resets on their inverters due to an uneven power source. They contacted Steve Borhnell of Goodman electric who suggested an MGM isolation transformer. Working with MGM they configured the correct transformer to resolve the problem. Once installed HMT hasn’t experienced any further issues with the inverters and are producing product using solar energy.
Other companies talk about being “green” or “being committed to the environment” but HMT has invested in the future of our planet. The expected payback is less than five years, but the bigger payoff is the reduced impact on future generations.
When you use HMT adhesives in your product, you are using solvent-free, toxin-free, VOC-free material made with solar power.
In the picture left, Glen Bennett of HMT and Steve Bohrnell of Goodman Electric stand beside a MGM 180 KVA Isolation Transformer used to deliver clean power to the Inverters in the solar loop.
The picture on the right shows 35,000 square feet of solar panels on the roof of HMT as well as the only wind generator in North Chicago. HMTs location next to Lake Michigan makes its feasible to produce wind power.
MGM designs and manufactures a low-profile transformer for underground mining
In this project it was necessary to fit a 2000 KVA transformer into an existing frame of a power center which is used to power the electrical equipment found deep in underground mining.
When AC Power Tech of Belle Vernon PA. searched for a reliable transformer manufacturer with the engineering competence to design a low-profile medium voltage transformer to be used in underground mining applications, they turned to MGM. Working in conjunction with the MGM team of a field representative and the Engineering team, and Bill Fragapane of Summit Power Solutions, a new MGM product was developed and manufactured in record time to meet the demanding schedules of the Underground mining market.
In this project it was necessary to fit a 2000 KVA transformer into an existing frame of a power center which is used to power the electrical equipment found deep in underground mining.
This 2000 KVA transformer (pictured below) carries the dimensions of 30″H x 63″W x 46″D. A typical 2000 KVA transformer carries the dimensions of 73″H x 71.5″W x 36″D.
The power center shows the transformer installed in the 3rd and 4th bay from the right.
This project was a big success. MGM Transformer Company can provide transformers to electrical equipment manufacturers in the world with comprehensive solutions engineered to maximize results.
Houston’s Wortham Theater reopens its doors after Hurricane Harvey in record time.
Behind the scenes MGM Transformer Co. was working with major equipment suppliers to design and deliver transformers in record time for the theater to reopen.
When the Nationally acclaimed Wortham Theater in Houston TX was closed by severe damage caused by Hurricane Harvey, it took many companies working together to design and build the necessary equipment to repair the damage and rebuild new systems to integrate with the old. “One reason why our recovery has taken so long is because of the complexity of combining partial 30 year old equipment and partial new equipment. The design team had to really work hard to make those connections and to make that compatibility work,” said Sheila Turkiewicz, Senior Vice President the Theater District.
During Hurricane Harvey, Wortham Theater took on about 12 feet of water, which damaged the basement, tunnel access to underground garages, costume shops, storage areas, and opera and ballet rehearsal spaces.
Working with a major equipment manufacturer, MGM designed and manufactured 4 medium voltage substation style transformers and delivered them to the job site within 15 days.
“Getting the Wortham back up and running again after taking on twelve feet of water is a complex process, but contractors and the forensic engineering firm have worked tirelessly to safely dry out, assess and stabilize the building,” said Sheila.
Pictured is one of the transformers designed and delivered to Wortham Theater in record time.
For further information on how MGM can help you with your special applications or needs contact us at 1(800) 429-4366 or